How do you find the date of publication on a website?


Because they are not in a standard format like a book, a website or web page may or may not have a listed date of publication.  If you are citing a page from a website, scroll down the page or article to see if the date of publication or last update is listed.  It may be at the beginning or the end. 
For a website look towards the bottom of the site for the "Last Updated" date.  You could also go to the "About" section of the site to see if a date is listed for when it was first published.
If you cannot find a publication date, most citation styles will allow you to leave it out or replace it with an abbreviation like n.d. (standing for No Date).  Check to see how to create a citation for a website in your citation style.
  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2023
  • Views 222
  • Answered By Library Test Account

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