How do I cite a website in MLA?


Use the two examples below to cite websites and web pages. 
  • If information such as the author is not available for a site or page, it can be left out of the citation. 
  • If the site or page's last update is not available, use the abbreviation n.d.
  • The Date of Access is the date you found the site or page.  

Retrieval Dates: Do not include a retrieval date or date of access unless the source may change as in the case of a Wiki.Titles in Social Media: When citing a source such as tweet or a post on Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, etc. that doesn’t have a formal title, include the text of the post, keeping the original capitalization. If the post is a picture, include a brief description of what was posted.


Smithsonian. The Smithsonian Institution,, P., et al., editors.

Animal Diversity Web. The University of Michigan,


“The Art and Science of Squirrels.” Smithsonian. The Smithsonian Institution,, Emily, et al.

“Sciuridae: Squirrels.” Animal Diversity Web, 2014,

For step-by-step instructions on creating a web citation or to see additional examples of online citations, see the link below.

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2023
  • Views 3427
  • Answered By Library Test Account

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